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白雪 敏感肌醫生沐浴乳  SNOW WHITE SENSITIVESKIN M.D. Body Wash

美國品牌 Shine & Pretty - Sensitive Skin MD. 敏感肌醫生系列產品是台灣白雪代理進口的新產品。此系列主要是針對中性膚質、敏弱肌族群所設計開發的產品。中性是最重要的特色,因此子淮設計以凸顯中性特色、專業醫療為視覺策略,並強化敏感肌醫生系列特色,導入實驗室元素、醫療視覺風格,體現產品專業感與市場做出差異化。

The USA brand Shine & Pretty - Sensitive Skin MD. series products are new products represented and imported by Taiwan SNOW WHITE. These series are the product designed and developed for neutral skin and sensitive population. Neutral is the most important feature. Therefore, the highlight of neutral feature and professional medical care are taken as the visual strategy. Features of SensitiveSkin M.D. series are emphasized, and laboratory elements and medical visual style are inputted to embody the professional feeling of the products and to make differentiation on the market. 

客戶 Client : 

Creative Director : Zi Huai Shen / Designer : Zi Huai Shen

Year :  2018


服務項目 Project Services :  


Packaging Design

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