匯集 | 奉茶精神。和合青田是從一棟私人日式住宅重生為推廣茶生活文化體驗空間的品牌。融合不同領域者,共同「探索茶的美好」各種面向,打造「茶和天下」的文化殿堂。品牌以「匯集」出發。融合建築大門造型、漢字「合」字,將「奉茶精神」融入識別形象,同時體現「匯集與此,向外擴展、屋簷下,奉上一杯好茶」意涵,打造和合青田品牌新樣貌。
Convergence | Spirit of Serving Tea. Heheqingtian is a brand which is reborn from a private Japanese-style dwelling to promote tea living and cultural experience space. We combine diversified fields to jointly “explore the beauty of tea” from various dimensions and to build the culture hall of “tea and the world.” Heheqingtian starts from the concept of “Convergence.” We combine the door shape of building and the Chinese character “He” to integrate the “spirit of serving tea” into its identity image to highlight the implication of “assemble together, outward-expanding” to create new look of Heheqingtian.