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SmileSun OEC 

SmileSun是一間生產台灣各類糕點餅乾食品的品牌。OEC是SmileSun旗下的子品牌,主要以外銷亞洲、歐美加地區系列產品。此系列產品經多年銷售,面臨產品形象缺乏特色及市場相似性的產品過多。有鑑於此,SUMP DESUGN經與客戶充分溝通後,將OEC品牌重新定位為老少咸宜的策略,擴大產品客群。為此,設計策略便以動物為主題,主要是因為動物沒有國藉與年齡的區分,在市場上更容易被消費者接受,因此以動物美味市集嘉年華為視覺策略,呼應系列名字"OEC 美味之意",並透過產品風味情境增添趣味性,誘發對產品的食慾感。也讓產品更貼近年輕市場,成功讓此系列產品與市場競爭品牌差異區隔,吸引消費者目光。

SmileSun makes a variety of cookies and biscuits in Taiwan. OEC is subordinate to Smile Sun that exports to Asia, Europe and America. For years this series lacks specific product image while more similar products in the market. After full discussion with clients, SUMP DESUGN reshapes OEC as all-time brand to cover more customers. In response to this strategy, animals become the theme as animals define no nationality and age and are easily accepted by consumers. Animal carnival forms visual strategy that allures appetite through savory scenario. Also, it approaches the young that will separate from other competitive brands in the market and catch more consumers.  

客戶 Client : 

Creative Director : Zi Huai Shen / Designer : Zi Huai Shen

Year :  2019

艾芬迪 Affinity 

服務項目 Project Services :  


Packaging Design

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