流動的香 | 記憶光影。風馥FLOWRST 是來至香港的香氛品牌,產品以擴香與噴霧為主。FLOWRST識別標誌以流動的香為概念。 以抽象流動的意象如同音符一般,在時間進行中產生的情感連結, 感受香氛的當下,便能記憶與回憶時光的心情。體現品牌帶給消費者時刻感動及情感連結。LOGO運用F+R流動感的結合,呈現流動香氛形象。輔助圖形則以塗鴉噴漆結合流動香氛,透過抽象流動意象將時間與味道視覺化,展現品牌的感性氛圍。午後漫步在花草植木、城市之間,帶給記憶的陪伴 ,如同音樂伴樂般的感受。時光流動光影飄逸, 每段回憶的牽絆 ,如同流動香味,憶起那段時光的美好... 包裝與貼標設計靈感來自城市之間的建築、招牌樣貌簡化至抽象形式,並以街頭塗鴉板模手法呈現花草植木光影之間的融合,象徵味道與記憶的陪伴。
Flowing fragrance | light and shadow of memory. FLOWRST is a fragrance brand from HK mainly producing diffusers and sprays. FLOWRST logo symbolizes flowing fragrance. Like musical symbols, the image of abstract flowing captures emotional connection within time while feeling fragrance, we are lost in memory and time. That is to say, it presents consumers a lingering combination of touching and feeling. LOGO unites F+R fluidity to show flowing fragrance. The auxiliary graph uses graffiti spray to visualize time and scent that creates brand atmosphere. Strolling among flowers, grass and cities in the afternoon, memory like music comes along. Time passes, light and shadow blink, each dawdling piece of memory, just like flowing fragrance, when remember that old good days…… Packing and label are inspired by city buildings and signs that are presented in the abstract form with graffiti flowers, grass, light and shadow, a symbol of existing scent and memory.